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Best collagen drink review

LANEIGE Collagen Drink | Review and results!

There's countless of reviews that you can find online about collagen, be it in the form of powder, jellies or bottled drinks. I'.

There's countless of reviews that you can find online about collagen, be it in the form of powder, jellies or bottled drinks. I'm not sure if you agree but collagen supplements have increasingly become one of the very important beauty products to promote natural beauty from within. I would say I'm more of an advocate for maintaining good skin and keeping healthy radiant skin is much better and 'sustainable' than having to put on makeup to cover up all the flaws.

Which is why, I've been diligently consuming collagen supplements, and in particular the LANEIGE Collagen Drink!

Throwback to the launch event few weeks back, the LANEIGE team kindly invited some of us beauty bloggers to introduce to us their new collagen products. We were pretty hyped and delighted with this new creation and we love the flavour! Here's one with Kymm, *send kisses over*.

As you can tell, the new LANEIGE collagen drink is a petite-sized bottle which you can easily include in your handbag. Each bottle is 30ml in capacity and has a tinge of orange and pomegranate flavor to give that extra fruity burst as you consume. Despite being packed with 5000mg collagen peptide (more than Brand X which I previously reviewed), LANEIGE's collagen drink has the least calories, marking at only 105 kJ! It's also free of preservatives and artificial colourings.

Packed with red orange extract and pomegranate extract. these ingredients are powerful antioxidants to give you the healthy smooth skin. LANEIGE Collagen Drink can also be mixed with real fruit juice to give that extra fruity boost to your daily consumption. Mix with different fruit juices if that pleases you! ;)

After almost two months of consumption (recommended minimum amount of time to see results). here's a before and after photo to show you the difference.

To sum it all up, I do feel that my skin's luminosity has increased quite substantially. Of course I can't decide this is a result solely from the collagen drinks that I've been consuming so far, but I am pretty sure the diligent consumption habit does make a difference to my skin. I went for a skin diagnosis with my facial clinic about a week ago and my skin's hydration and elasticity has improved a lot, and don't forget providing suppleness to the skin is one key attribute from collagen drinks. Previously, I have a lot of blemish marks on my skin, especially the forehead and I can tell they heal up very fast this time round.

Of course, there are many ways to achieve good skin and collagen consumption is just one of the ways. Basic skincare regime is equally important and try not to just solely rely on one method.

The LANEIGE Collagen Drink is priced at SGD52 for 10 bottles. The recommended consumption frequency would be a bottle a day. Don't wait, #drinktoshine today. )

Thanks for reading! ❤
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